Why a Customer Experience Management System Matters

March 05, 2014 by Allison Carter

Customer Experience Management SystemBeyond the nine benefits we highlighted before, a Customer Experience Management System (a "CEM") matters.

Don't believe us?  Consider the following...

According to ResponseTek, a CEM is "the practice of collecting and analyzing customer feedback across business channels to measure and close the gap between the intended customer experience and the actual custom experience."

This means that with a CEM you can control what you want your customer to see.  Instead of leaving content up, hoping it will be consumed in a particular way, you can actually get in front of the situation and ensure a customer sees what you want.

How does this work?  With a good CEM system at your fingertips you can "know your customer so completely that you can create and deliver personalized experiences that will entice them to not only remain loyal to you, but also to evangelize to others about you." (source)

By using tools like marketing automation, personalization and lead scoring, your system can help you remember what your customer is interested in and what the next step for them should be.

This translates to real sales, real business, and real loyalty from your customers.  

The Voice of the Customer (the "VoC") is loud and sends a strong message.  In the marketplace 40% of people begin purchasing from a competitive brand because of its great reputation for customer service while 82% of people will stop doing business with a company because of poor customer service. (source)

Your system, the product you invest in, can affect the VoC.  Automatic responses and follow ups, combined with understanding where your customer is on social media and what their message is, can make your business.

Think strategically and think long term about what a CEM can do for your organization.

Contact us today at info@bpstudios.com to get started.

About the Author
Allison Carter is a Senior Content Strategist with BP Studios.  She loves writing blogs, tweeting, Facebooking (which she still thinks should be a verb), and helping companies get their message out.
- See more at: http://www.bpstudios.com/Blog/February-2014/Did-You-Know-These-are-Kentico-CMS-Sites#sthash.DrGNaJdi.dpuf
About the Author
Allison Carter is a Senior Content Strategist with BP Studios.  She loves writing blogs, tweeting, Facebooking (which she still thinks should be a verb), and helping companies get their message out.
About the Author
Allison Carter is a Senior Content Strategist with BP Studios.  She loves writing blogs, tweeting, Facebooking (which she still thinks should be a verb), and helping companies get their message out.
- See more at: http://www.bpstudios.com/Blog/February-2014/Did-You-Know-These-are-Kentico-CMS-Sites#sthash.DrGNaJdi.dpuf
About the Author
Allison Carter is a Senior Content Strategist with BP Studios.  She loves writing blogs, tweeting, Facebooking (which she still thinks should be a verb), and helping companies get their message out.
- See more at: http://www.bpstudios.com/Blog/February-2014/Did-You-Know-These-are-Kentico-CMS-Sites#sthash.DrGNaJdi.dpuf
About the Author
Allison Carter is a Senior Content Strategist with BP Studios.  She loves writing blogs, tweeting, Facebooking (which she still thinks should be a verb), and helping companies get their message out.
- See more at: http://www.bpstudios.com/Blog/February-2014/Did-You-Know-These-are-Kentico-CMS-Sites#sthash.DrGNaJdi.dpuf
About the Author
Allison Carter is a Senior Content Strategist with BP Studios.  She loves writing blogs, tweeting, Facebooking (which she still thinks should be a verb), and helping companies get their message out.
- See more at: http://www.bpstudios.com/Blog/February-2014/Did-You-Know-These-are-Kentico-CMS-Sites#sthash.DrGNaJdi.dpuf
About the Author
Allison Carter is a Senior Content Strategist with BP Studios.  She loves writing blogs, tweeting, Facebooking (which she still thinks should be a verb), and helping companies get their message out.
- See more at: http://www.bpstudios.com/Blog/February-2014/Did-You-Know-These-are-Kentico-CMS-Sites#sthash.DrGNaJdi.dpuf
About the Author
Allison Carter is a Senior Content Strategist with BP Studios.  She loves writing blogs, tweeting, Facebooking (which she still thinks should be a verb), and helping companies get their message out.
- See more at: http://www.bpstudios.com/Blog/February-2014/Did-You-Know-These-are-Kentico-CMS-Sites#sthash.DrGNaJdi.dpu

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