The Currency Converter

Real-time rates for 164 world currencies
Currency Converter
Currency Rates are constantly changing.  If you have an eCommerce site you know this.  You also know that your company could be losing money every day if you are not using the most updated exchange rates.
BP Studios has proudly partnered with Kentico to launch a Currency Converter program. 
Our currency converter is easily installed and, as always, our team is on hand to guide your process. 
Once activated, the converter will update the currencies on your site as many times a day as you want in over 164 possible currencies.  As with every product we offer, you are in control.   
Quit losing money over out-dated conversions.  Install our free program and get more.
Read more about this product at our Currency Converter blog post.
Contact us at or call 919.484.9522 with any questions.

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