Practice What You Preach!

January 05, 2012 by Kristi Robison

I must admit, I love Facebook. It’s been great reconnecting with old friends and staying more in touch with friends and family on a daily basis. And I am just starting to get the hang of LinkedIn. In fact, I finally got around to uploading a photo of myself that didn’t include my daughter or husband in it. Do you know how hard it is as a wife and mom to actually find a decent picture of yourself alone that you can use for business purposes? It was tough!

Anyway, I consider myself pretty “socially savvy.” At BP Studios, we are constantly telling clients how important it is to blog and to have their business on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Digg, etc. – you name it we’ve preached it!

However, I have been given a major challenge by my manager for 2012… to PRACTICE WHAT WE
PREACH! Does BP Studios have a Facebook page? Yes, but the last entry was months ago. Do we have
Twitter? Yes, crickets… Are we on LinkedIn? Yes, but zero activity. We are making the #1 mistake in
social media -- we’re creating accounts but letting them lie dormant.

I have been charged with creating a social media plan for our company and guess what? I am taking you along for the ride. Be on the lookout for my next blog post, where I plan to share our social media activities for 2012 with you. Hopefully, you can learn a little along the way too and implement some things for your company!

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